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Account Activity Reports

Throughout the day, many activities related to your customers' accounts happen. These activities are recorded in the Account Activity Report. The Account Activity Report is a chronological list of all activities that have occurred from 00:00am UTC to 11:59:59pm UTC on the previous day.


Filename convention YYYY-MM-DD.csv

CustomerRefStringSame value as you have provided in the Account Upload which represents the customer in your system.
AccountRefStringSame value as you have provided in the Account Upload which represents the account in your system.
ReasonConstant, e.g. (Settled)Set of reasons describing what happened for this particular account.
DateString date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDDate when the activity was recorded by InDebted


AutoRecalledAccount auto recalled due to your configuration.
BankruptcyDetectedResulted of automatic scrub (only available in some regions).
ChargebackReceivedThroughClientWhen you reported a chargeback to one of your customer's account on Transaction Upload.
ChargedByClientWhen you reported a charge to one of your customer's account on Transaction Upload.
ClosedDueToStatuteOfLimitationsWhen account gets closed due to statute of limitations (only available in some regions).
CompensatedByClientWhen you reported a compensation to one of your customer's account on Transaction Upload.
DeceasedScrubDetectedResulted of automatic scrub (only available in some regions).
EscalationBankruptCustomer reported as bankrupt to our customer service.
EscalationDeceasedCustomer reported as deceased to our customer service.
EscalationIncarceratedCustomer reported as incarcerated to our customer service.
EscalationSelfHarmCustomer reported as risk of self harm to our customer service.
InstalmentPaymentReceivedWhen customer's account is under a Payment Plan and receive one instalment payment.
PaymentPlanDiscountReceivedIf you had a settlement campaign on and your customer finishes a Payment Plan honouring all Terms and Conditions.
PaymentReceivedWhen InDebted receives a Payment in Full from your customer.
PaymentReceivedThroughClientWhen you reported a payment to one of your customer's account on Transaction Upload.
PaymentReceivedWithDiscountIf you had a settlement campaign on and the customer made a payment in full.
RecalledRecalled triggered from you on Account Recall.
RecalledReopenedRecalled account reopened by you through Account Upload.
ServiceMemberDetectedResulted of automatic scrub (only available in some regions).
SettledAccount Settled as result of balance reaching zero as result of PaymentReceived, InstalmentPaymentReceived, PaymentReceivedThroughClient, etc.
SettledReopenedA previously Settled account that had the balance back over zero.