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Transaction Upload

You can update an account balance at anytime with a Transaction Upload. This is essential to keep your customers up to date on a regular basis which helps avoiding disputes and contributes significantly to collections performance.


Download a sample file with a variety of transactions.

Filename convention: YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss.csv

AccountRef*StringSame value as you have provided in the Account Upload which represents the account in your system.
TransactionRefStringUnique value representing the transaction in your system. This value helps identifying and troubleshooting your transactions in our system.
TransactionType*Constant, e.g. ChargeThis value determines the purpose and arithmetic operator of the transaction. See all Transaction Types below.
Amount*Integer representing a monetary value in cents, e.g. 100 means $1.00Amount to be applied to the corresponding account Balance. This value must be greater than zero.
ProcessedAt*String time formatted as per RFC 3339, e.g. 2021-01-30T21:37:42ZDate and time when the transaction was processed. Must be on the same day or later than the corresponding account referral date.
DescriptionStringContextual information for this transaction such as the reason for charging fees or payment reference number.

Transaction Types

ChargeUsed for charging customers. For example, accrued interest or fees. This will increase the account balance.
ChargebackUsed for indicating that you have received a chargeback (i.e. payment dispute/reversal) from the customer after submitting a payment transaction to InDebted. This will offset the initial balance, any previous Payment transactions submitted by you to InDebted.
CompensationUsed for compensating customers. For example, waiving fees after a dispute resolution. This will decrease the account balance.
PaymentUsed for indicating that you have received a payment directly from the customer. This will decrease the account balance.